Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Poop chart.......



Malia has needed some motivation on achieving the completion of her potty training. She has her #1's down pat but her #2's needed a little work.

So momma mandy introduced(duced) the new and improved "Malia's PooPoo chart". Her reward being that after each #2 she would get a sticker and after accumulating 10 stickers she would be able to ride the bus. This is a desire of hers, so we decided we would take some local transportation (bus) and stop off at a ice cream shop and then ride it back.


As seen in the pic above this was a major success, heres were we stand or shall i say sit with the poopoo chart, daddy Dave suspects of a rationing of #2's in order to archive such an accumulation of stickers. Malia has pooped like she never has before. She doesn't even wear a diaper to bed at nap time anymore she holds her urges. This success makes momma Mandy and daddy Dave smile, looks like a bus trip is in the future works.



schallef1 said...

Holy Crap!! :)

Woodie said...

ha, that first comment made me snort laugh! ;-)
#5 looks like it was a doozy judging from the sticker!