Saturday, January 22, 2011

up ,up, and away.......

well it seems to me that the garage is getting over ran with unfinished projects and project extras, or things for upcoming projects so it time for a little winter cleaning. first thing on list was to build something to get my truck bed cover up, up, up and out of the way. while its not in use it takes up a lot of  space. in this pic i have recruited baby girl to give me a hand. this was her first time in the play pen as a playpen not a sleeper(she wasn't to happy about it either). but the weather was nice so no time like the present, before the dreaded cold comes back. you can see the truck bed cover in this pic its sitting on the drywall lift(red,this tool comes into play later).

here is the finished product. i built to brackets to hang from the ceiling one is fixed and the other is in a pin swinging/hing type of contraption. so that when the cover is lifted one side can swing out and back up under for support. if you look closer at the pic you can see the pin(all of this project was done with 100% recycled products, all came from the bathroom reno). i used the drywall lift to raise into position, making it a one man job. and wala, now on to all the other stuff.