Friday, April 29, 2011

gillin with a side of chillin..............

here's a couple pics with descriptions of our din on the grill, which my lovely wife threw together out of some stuff on hand. take a couple boneless skinless chicken breast, butterfly open, insert artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomato, and fire roasted red peppers. add mozzarella cheese, and seasonings to taste(red pepper flakes, salt, pepper). close and tie off with cooking string, baste with olive oil and choice of seasonings.

then a key and crucial item- wrap with bacon and secure with tooth picks. place on grill. go ahead and start the side of chillin, so that it will be ready when the chicken is done. internal cook temp of 185 should do the trick.

here is a pick of the aftermath, with a side of cauliflower smothered in shred cheddar and a side of corn on the cob.  the corn was cooked in its skin and hair, then peeled. cruel but the usual punishment. doesn't sound to appetizing but it was. just be sure to remove string/toothpicks before devouring(can be hazards to your health if not removed before consumption). enlarge pic if you want your taste buds to water.

1 comment:

Woodie said...

Everything's better with bacon! That sounds, and looks, amazing!