Friday, December 13, 2013

Stick downs....

On the latest project it has come time to remove some stick down tiles which have been laid on concrete, after trying several different methods daddy Dave found one that STUCK.

Tools needed. A heat gun your wife's hair dryer won't work as well(been there tried that), pry bar and a scraper.

First heat the top of the lynolume and work the pry bar or scraper under the tile, prying up the stick down. Heating the tiles warmed up the glue making it a little sticky but fairly easy to get up.

One down many more to go.....


With all the stick downs removed it was time to scrape up the left behind glue, with some adhesive remover and that paint scraper the task began. When using a adhesive stripper besure to have good ventilation and mask. Daddy Dave didn't pay much attention to this precaution and had some "shaky jug" flash backs, caused by the fumes, causing daddy Dave not to get this job completely done.


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