Saturday, December 21, 2013




No you don't need any singles for this stripper, in fact ya probably want to keep your clothes on for that matter. Here we have the enclosed garage which was turned into a bonus room, which stick down linoleum squares were removed leaving a sticky adhesive. This needed to be removed in order for daddy Dave to paint and seal in the concrete.
Daddy Dave did give this a try awhile back but without the proper safety equipment he was was left dizzy, sick and miserable, causing it to be a short work night. This time around daddy Dave safty'ed up with this mask, it did the trick providing fume free air to breath. Of course safety glasses are also advised.



And the second time around daddy Dave bought the strongest stripper available(so says the container) but of course buying the best also is a little pricey but daddy Dave was disappointed with the last product although it was still on the higher end price wise. This may have been do to the fact daddy Dave couldn't take the fumes causing him to rush.


This time around it seemed to to do the trick with the adhesive scraping up with little wait time. Daddy Dave will have to go over a few spots being there was a thick layer of glue.



And of course daddy Dave ran out of adhesive he'll have to finish it another night. A perfect example of why daddy Dave often buys too much so that he doesn't run into the glitches caused by running out of product.