Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Purple power........

I know at some point in your life you have been exposed to plumbers crack, but have you ever been exposed to painters butt? You have now, this is a less extreme case being you can't even see any crack just underwear's. Momma mandy the photographer was not thrilled with a little crack showing so the drawers were pulled up to make this pic PG.
So what were we up too? Well we were putting a finishing coat on Malias new room. With both parents being off they tagged teamed Malias room daddy on the trim and momma on the roller, it was knocked out in no time. What color you may ask it kinda looks blue in the pics but it's not blue, it's very purple. the paints name is "rocker girl" and the color is purple(of course Malia will not be a rocker girl, just daddy's girl but that's beside the point).

just some last touch ups to do and soon Malia will be moving in. the goal was to be done by the beach trip, and we're well on our way.

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