Saturday, September 22, 2012



Well it looks like the city took care of a sick tree which was in front of sister #4 and her hubby's. This was a huge tree as can be seen in the pic. If you look close at the pick you'll notice no smaller pieces.....I'm sure the tree was not just big stuff, I mean after the chipping of the branches there would still be some medium sizes....right? Well it seams that there is a fire wood bandit on the loose, with the hubby not being home someone did a drive by firewood taking, but only grabbed the smaller stuff I guess the big stuff was just to big. this firewood was already donated to the "lenmore foundation for a warm house". It seems the takers of the wood didn't know this, no worries daddy dave has a sweet splitter on loan from his pops and the big stuff will make plenty of fuel for the old wood stove, that is if someone doesn't beat me to it.