Sunday, September 23, 2012

Those scurvy dogs........


Ahoy there mateys it seems that I have a yarn to tell ya. Who knew that a freshly cut sapling would be so popular. Well it seems that there are thieving pirates upon the sea. Man your guns and keep a powder keg nearby, those scurvy dogs are on the hunt. here we have a nice pile of cut oak a popular fireplace filler, but why is there graffiti sprayed upon one of the cut timbers? A closer look you can see the words "wood spoken for" it seems that you must be the on guard if you plan on keeping firewood in your front yard. Pirates cruseing the high seas will just throw out an anchor and board your ship and start loading up the booty(wood). The city had asked for approval to cut down a sickly tree in the front of sister #4place of residence. When the Go ahead was given they were informed that they would have to clean up the larger peices no worries they have a guy for that(daddy Dave). But after the first day when daddy Dave and Natester came back from a day of sailing the rough seas all the booty had all ready been taken those scurvy dogs had plundered and pillaged and left just a few larger sections. With no reason to get my tights in a wad for there was still a large trunk left to be cut which would surely provide a nice booty, to keep my booty warm in the winter.
Pic above is a view of the saw dust or shall I say saw shavings after daddy Dave put on a new chain....nice
When the second sun had rose and the sailing merchants returned from yet another tiring day on the blue seas they were pleased to see the remainder had been cut and was ready for loading and removal. Not having a barge large enough to load the wood on it would have to wait untill daddy Dave borrowed one from a comrad. But the next day uncle Nate looked out his window to see pirates had dropped anchor and where eyeing up the booty, one fired up a chain saw and the others stood watch. Did they knock on the door to ask for permission?.........nope they just decided to help themselves, blow me down! how rude. Not with that old salt uncle Nate on watch, out the front door he went to confront those scallywags. Three landlubbers were just beginning to mess with the booty, those buccaneers must have been three sheets to the wind or just loco. After a confrontation they were told to walk the plank, one lad didnt like this and he gave sass saying he didnt care he was taking the booty anyhow. Then nates lassie came outside with a cell phone and they got scared, they quickly pulled up anchor and made a hasty retreat. Uncle Nate then made sure everyone would know the wood was not for grabs so he graffitied one of the larger peices. One might think that this was random event but it wasn't. Later that evening after the sun had set an older lad came to the door and requested permission ,this was denied and he was sent away into the night booty less.
Above a pic of the saw dust before new snapper blade was in stalled, it consisted of more dust than saw



The next day was yet more of the same, many ships sailed by slowly eyeing the booty just out of reach. At one point uncle Nate looked out to see a scallywag and his powder monkey, rolling some of the logs towards their ship, ...what no knock......shiver me timbers were is the respect .......the common curtisy make sure it's ok to come on your ship and take your provisions. Once again they were trying to hornswaggle oll matey Nate but he was having none of it he was bound to hang em from the yardarms. That ol salt Nate could take no more, if he took a nap what would he awake too? or made a trip to the poop deck? daddy Dave would be arriving that afternoon with the proper equipment and yet another scallywag was outside eyeing up his booty. Nate didn't have a cat o'nine tails so he set up camp with a good book and waited. Soon daddy Dave arrived with a barge in tow and the loading, cutting and storing of the booty began.

these unloved buggers (termits) were the cause of the sickly tree, no scurvy here.

much heave ho was needed but these fellows got the job done.