Monday, September 10, 2012

Flash on......flash off....

If your ever in concord late at night and it's cool outside but there's no sunlight. Then off in the distance a light you may see ,one....... no two ........O no now I see three. Is it a dream or a mirage or an illusion in the fog but as it gets closer it looks a dog? Three wheels are a whirling , four paws on the ground, four feet come running with almost no sound. A huff and a puff you may soon hear, as the horseless baby carriage built for two comes near. stay out of their way, i hear the father has heat, stored out of the way, up under the seat. As they pass watch out, the wind might tussle your hair, you might be next to get passed by that stroller pushing pair.

After daddy Dave got off work late the other evening he coxed his lovely bride and young daughters out for a 10:00pm run, to the downtown district and back. Although it was dark daddy Dave strapped flashlights and other light emitting devises to the stroller and themselves(headlamps,flashlights), and off they went. Being as late as it was daddy Dave took his gat(piece, heater, pea shooter),just in case cause you'll never know when you need it. With safety in mind and careful nearby we had an enjoyable run and made it back safe and sound.

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