Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mean girl.........

Why is Barkley eagerly looking behind the couch? It's like there is something important behind that large bulky piece of furniture. Well in barkleys world there is one thing which is the #1 thing on his mind.....his ball. But how would his ball make it into such a confined space............

well here is the reason....I don't know if it's cause she's a mean girl...or a smart girl. It seems Malia has thrown Barkleys ball behind the couch on purpose. Ya see Barkley doesn't like too much touch time from Malia, but when he is occupied its open game for petting. With his ball behind the couch he is so concerned with getting it that he lets Malia love on him. This is one way she gets his attention.

1 comment:

4th sister said...

what a naughty child!