Saturday, December 10, 2011

Worst case realized.........

Worst case....but best case of the worse senero, if that makes any sense.  See a collapsed main drain line was my worst senero mainly because it looked to travel back under ground under the house to the street, making it impossible to repair because of the lack of space under the house. On my second day working on the clog I was using a plumbing bladder an attachment which hooks to the hose and puts out a pressurized stream. Still I was not making any progress it seemed I was hitting something solid(a collapsed line). As I was walking around the house on a trip back to the truck , about midways down the side of the house I noticed a wet spot with some paper bits laying around, this puzzled me thinking maybe someone had dumped out some water/something. Back to work I went on the clog but then on another trip back to the truck to bring out the big guns(power drain cleaner), I noticed the wet spot was bigger with more debris. I stopped and puzzled this, then a best case senero popped in my head maybe this was a clean out point which had lost the cap and was blocked. After a little more inspecting I soon discovered this was not the case but the line was completely collapsed and full of gravel from the driveway. It looks like the main line actually comes out from under the house and under the driveway and down to the street.
now replacing a section of main drain line is not hard when it comes to the actual replacing but exposing the pipe is we're the work comes in. Now in this case the broken section of pipe was under a gravel driveway. Have you ever tried to dig up a gravel driveway.....not easy to say the least. The pipe may have been crushed or dug up when the driveway was re-graveled just speculation though. After exposing the drain line off to the hardware store I went to get parts. As I arrive back darkness is falling, after a quick clean out of the old pipes they were still full of rocks I put the new section of PVC pipe in...a little glue.....and rubber sleeves.  This was the perfect time to put in a clean out, a t-section of pipe with a removable top to make clean out a snap next time. After a quick clean up and reburying the new section I was off towards home to enjoy the rest of my evening with my two ladies and that little growing jelly bean. 

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