Monday, December 12, 2011

Chimney cleaning it's a .....snap?

Well it's that time of year again when I have to go up on the roof top licked split and hope not to fall of the roof top like ol saint nick. It's been a lot easier Sence I installed a exhaust sleeve down the chiming so just a few swipes with the chimney brush and I'm done. But.........

this time I had an equipment malfunction, and on the last upward stroke the fiberglass rod broke......look at the positive side at least I had my hand on it when the breakage occurred so that the broken piece did not fall black down to the furnace below(that would have been a hot mess). Before to long I'll have to head off and purchase a replacement piece, regular mantiance on chimneys  is a requirement this time of year. stay warm and Tostie my friends.


Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Ah, equipment failure.

Anonymous said...

We have to pay for this service here, it's mandatory. They sweep the chimney in the summer and check the gas emissions on the gas boiler in the winter.
